29.07.2024 / 19:00 Uhr

Duo Stiehler Lucaciu

Sascha Stiehler - piano, synthesizer Antonio Lucaciu - saxohone, vocals

Anyone who has experienced the Stiehler/Lucaciu duo doesn’t need this text. After all, you already know what a wondrous world you are immersed in when you experience these two quirky artists. Two of the most renowned and active musicians and composers on the Leipzig scene, Sascha Stiehler on piano, synthesizer and drums and Antonio Lucaciu on saxophone and vocals, come to Leipzig’s Bach memorial with their flaps and taps.

The music breathes. It sounds like Leipzig. It is crossover made physical, a fusion of classical music, jazz, and pop. Genres and boundaries are irrelevant. They play, rap, sing and laugh their way through it.

Behind every note there is a word, behind every song a story. The Stiehler/Lucaciu duo tells the stories of everyday life that lie on the sidewalk waiting to be discovered – more with the instrument than with the voice, for their lyrics are your imagination.

The question arises: when was the last time someone looked between the flaps and taps to see if there was a comforting song there? When did you feel life? And when was the last time you danced and laughed in tears?

Sascha Stiehler: piano, synthesizer, drums
Antonio Lucaciu: saxophone, vocals


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