Concerts at the Bach Monument 2023

03.07.2023 to 28.08.2023

every monday 7pm at Bach Monument (inside the church if its rainy)
Final concert 28.08.2023 at 08.30pm

Classical music-making in the shadow of the Bach Monument, as if under the eye of our most famous Cantor of St. Thomas, has a long tradition against the magnificent backdrop of the place where he has been active for many years. More than 40 years ago, the first open-air summer concert took place here, originally conceived as a cultural offer to bridge the summer break in Leipzig's established houses.

In 2022, some things are different: after a two-year break from the coronavirus pandemic, we can finally gather in front of the Bach Monument again, and there has been a change in the organisation of the concerts: good luck to the new host Robert Herrmann; please enjoy, dear guests, his musical signature in this programme brochure! What has remained is that which makes the concert series so essential: special compositions, well-known artists, popular melodies - combined with the unique flair of the historic Churchyard of St. Thomas. Every Monday from 4th of July to 29th of August, let yourselves be enchanted!


Yours, Burkhard Jung
Lord Mayor of the City of Leipzig


Dear audience,

When I was 16 years old, I played for the first time with my then duo partner at the concerts at the Bach Monument,]. This was a concert for 4 hands on the grand piano, with a programme of jazz and classical arrangements. More than 20 years later, it was by chance that I ran into Peter Zimmer and we spontaneously started talking about his follow-up.

This meeting led to concrete plans and the organisational work quickly began. Then came the pandemic and the concerts could not take place for two years in a row. Now, in the 43rd year of its existence, for the 41st time there will be concerts at the Bach Monument! We are pleased to invite you, dear audience, to the Bach Monument and St. Thomas Church again. Admission is free, but a donation or contribution is requested at the end of the concerts.

Ranging from vocal ensemble, string quartet, brass band, orchestral music to jazz and a contemporary arrangement of Robert Schumann's Kreisleriana - in the 2022 season you will experience an interesting variety with outstanding artists from Leipzig and the world.

Our sincere gratitude goes to the city of Leipzig, the Sparkasse Leipzig, the Thomaskirche Leipzig and our partners at the Leipzig branch of the Polish Institute Berlin and the C.Bechstein Centrum Leipzig. With their generous support, they make the concerts at the Bach Monument 2022 possible.

All the best to you, dear Peter Zimmer, and many thanks for your commitment over so many years!


Robert Herrmann - jazz pianist and cultural activist Aistė Orinaitė - singer and organisational assistant
Aistė Orinaitė – Sängerin und organisatorische Mitarbeit


The concerts at the Bach Monument have been a special hallmark of Leipzig as a city of music since their founding in 1979. With their diversity and freshness, they are an expression of a lively musical culture. In 1994, the Leipzig city administration asked me to organise the concert series.

Because of my retirement, I wanted to find a successor last year. I found a very suitable candidate a pianist and project manager Robert Herrmann from Leipzig.

The joy of being alive that music can convey should continue to be experienced by many people without any admission charge. I wish the guests and participants from near and far an entertaining and enjoyable time full of musical pleasures this year and beyond.


With best regards
Peter Zimmer


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