15.07.2024 / 19:00 Uhr

Aistė Orinaitė und Band (LT/D)

Songs from a Baltic country

The singer from the Lithuanian Baltic Sea, Aiste Orinaite, plays music with her band that has yet to be heard in this country. It is Baltic folklore and Baltic pop infused with jazz influences. The result is a musical encounter full of surprises and fabulous stories. Feelings of life familiar to everyone are celebrated musically with charm, depth and playfulness.

The unfiltered, archaic sound of old Lithuanian folk songs has a directness that is accessible even without knowledge of the language. Subtle, intimate melodies entwined with improvisations take you into a world of vast forests, elongated dunes and the endless sea – a musical landscape of closeness to nature, longing, melancholy and zest for life.

Aistė Orinaitė – Gesang/Vocals
Robert Herrmann – Piano
Lorenz Heigenhuber – Kontrabass/double bass
Lucas Rauch – Schlagzeug/drums


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