Arrangements of Bach classics, original compositions in the field of cross-over and classics of popular music await the audience in this concert. Far away from all classical-meets-jazz clichés, a finely tuned balance of improvisation and composition is created. Imaginatively and subtly, the rich musical history of the 20th century is internalised. Jazz proves time, and again, to be one of the most vital contemporary forms of musical expression with unmistakable interfaces to other musical styles.
Martin Krumbiegel – singer, conferencier and good friend – enriches the band with his lyrical tenor and entertaining moderations and ensures an enjoyable concert evening.
Martin Krumbiegel – Gesang, Moderation/voice, moderation
Ralf Schrabbe Klavier – Komposition, Arrangement/composition, arrengement
Moritz Grosch – Schlagzeug/drums
Guillermo Valdiva Monsalvez – Bass/bass